Статья 92: Для исполнения правосудия судом по вопросам несправедливости, не обуславливается наличие судебного заседания, вызов ответчика и наличие истца. Суд имеет право рас сматривать все случаи несправедливости даже в том случае, если нет истца.
Article 92: The judiciary of the Injustice Acts (Madhalim) is not restricted by a court session or the request of the defendant or the presence of the plaintiff. It has the authority to look into any case of injustice even if there is no plaintiff.
Its proof is the evidence which confirms the conditions for the correct session to look into a case does not apply to the Court of Injustices (Madhalim) due to the absence of a plaintiff, since there is no requirement for the presence of a plaintiff, as it will look into the injustice (Madhlamah) even if no one was a plaintiff. Also, the lack of necessity for the defendant to be present, because the court looks into the case without requiring the defendant to be present since it is looking closely at the injustice (Madhlamah) and the defendant. Therefore, the evidence which makes the court session a condition - which is the words of the Messenger :
«أَنَّ الْخَصْمَـيْنِ يَقْعُدَانِ بَيْنَ يَدَيِ الْحَكَمِ»
“The two litigants sit in front of the judge (between his hands).” reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud from ‘Abd Allah Bin Al-Zubayr,and:
«إِذَا جَلَسَ إِلَيْكَ الْخَصْمَانِ»
“when the two litigants sit in front of you” reported by Ahmad from Ali (ra) - does not apply. Based upon that, the Court of Injustices (Madhalim) can look into the injustice (Madhlamah) simply due to it arising, without any restraint at all, neither due to location, time, nor court session, or anything else.
However, due to the position of this court, from the angle of its powers, it used to be surrounded by what gave it an imposing and great image. In the time of the Sultans in Egypt and Ash-Sham the sitting of the Sultan during which the injustices (Madhalim) were looked into was called “The House of Justice”, and one of his delegates would undertake the session with judges and jurists present. Al-Maqrizi mentioned in his book entitled “Al-Suluk Ila Ma’rifat Duwal Al-Muluk” (The Way to Know the States of the Kings), that the Sultan Al-Malik Al-Salih Ayyub appointed deputies to act on his behalf in the House of Justice. They used to sit there to remove the injustices (Madhalim), and there would be witnesses, judges and jurists all present. There is no harm in making the Court of Injustices (Madhalim) a splendid building, for this would be from the permitted issues, especially if this reflected the might of justice.