Статья 90: Суд по вопросам несправедливости обладает правом отстранять любого правителя или служащего в государстве, включая халифа.
Article 90: The Court of Injustice Acts (Madhalim) has the right to remove any ruler or civil servant in the State, in the same way that it has the right to remove the Khalifah, if the elimination of the Madhlamah required this removal.
This article clarifies the powers of the Court of Injustices (Madhalim) with respect to removal of the rulers, since the ruler is appointed by a contract, known as the Contract of Assignment which is also called the Contract of Empowerment. The Khalifah has the right of the governorship which is the ruling, and he has the right of empowerment which is the appointment, and the empowerment is a contract that can only be completed with direct wording. Therefore, the removal of the ruler appointed by the Khalifah would be a termination of that contract, and the Khalifah undoubtedly reserves that right since the Messenger appointed the governors and removed them. The righteously guided Khulafaa’ also appointed the governors and removed them. In the same manner the Khalifah could also delegate to those whomhe appointed the right to appoint and remove. However, the Court of Injustices (Madhalim) does not have the right to remove the rulers on behalf of the Khalifah, for it does not act on his behalf in appointing and removal; it rather acts on his behalf in looking into the injustices (Madhalim). So if the presence of that ruler in his province was an injustice (Madhlama), the court has the right to remove that injustice (Madhlamah); in other words, it has the right to remove that ruler from office. Therefore, its power to remove the rulers is not done on behalf of the Khalifah, rather it is only removing the injustice (Madhlamah), and accordingly those who have been ruled upon to be removed are removed even if the Khalifah is not pleased with it, since his removal in this situation is the ruling upon the removal of an injustice (Madhlamah), and this applies to everyone including the Khalifah, since the ruling of the judge is a ruling for everyone.
As for its powers to remove the Khalifah, in the same manner it is ruling upon the removal of an injustice (Madhlamah), since if one of the circumstances where the Khalifah is removed automatically or necessitated his removal occurs, then his remaining in office would be an injustice (Madhlamah). And it is the Court of Injustices (Madhalim)which rules upon the removal of the injustices (Madhalim), so it is the one who rules upon his removal. Therefore, the judgement of the Court of Injustices (Madhalim) to remove the Khalifah would be a judgement aimed at removing an injustice (Madhlamah), and so if removal of the Madhlamah necessitated his removal, the judgement for his removal would be given.