Статья 116: Нельзя чтобы женщина занимала посты правления. Так она не может занимать пост халифа, помощника, валия, амила и проводить какую-либо деятельность, которая считается правлением. Также она не может быть верховным судьей, судьей в махкамату-ль-мазолим и амиром джихада.
Article 116: It is not permitted for a woman to take a ruling position; so she cannot be a Khalifah, nor an assistant, governor or ‘Amil, nor undertake any action considered to be ruling. In the same manner she cannot be the head judge and nor a judge in the Madhalim court, nor the Amir of Jihad.
The evidence for this article is what Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Bakra who said
"لما بلغ رسول الله أن أهل فارس ملَّكوا عليهم بنت كسرى قال:«لَنْ يُفْلِحَ قَوْمٌ وَلَّوْا أَمْرَهُمُ امْرَأَةً»"
“When the Messenger of Allah was told that the daughter of Kisra had been given the reign over the Persians he said: «Never will succeed such a nation that make a woman their ruler.»”. This explicitly mentions that a woman is not permitted to take a ruling position. Accordingly, women are not permitted to undertake anything at all from any of the actions of ruling, whether the Khalifah, assistant, governor, Supreme judge, judge in the Madhalim court, or ‘amil in the district, due to the explicitness of the narration forbidding it.
As for women not taking the position of the Amir of Jihad, despite it not being a ruling position, this is because Jihad is not obligatory upon women and so she cannot assume leadership over those for whom Jihad is obligatory.