Kategori: Mu’awin At-Tafwidl §42-48

 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Khilafah, berdasarkan metode kenabian: Pasal 47: Apabila Mu’awin Tafwidl telah mengatur suatu urusan, lalu disetujui Khalifah, maka dia dapat melaksanakannya sesuai persetujuan Khalifah, tanpa mengurangi atau menambahnya. Jika Khalifah menarik kembali persetujuannya, dan Mu’awin menolak mengembalikan apa yang telah diputuskan, maka dalam hal ini perlu dilihat; jika masih dalam rangka pelaksanaan hukum sesuai dengan perintahnya atau menyangkut harta yang sudah diserahkan kepada yang berhak, maka pendapat Mu’awin yang berlaku, sebab pada dasarnya hal itu adalah pendapat Khalifah juga. Khalifah tidak boleh menarik kembali hukum yang sudah dilaksanakan, atau harta yang sudah dibagikan. Sebaliknya, jika apa yang sudah dilaksanakan Mu’awin di luar ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut, seperti mengangkat Wali atau mempersiapkan pasukan, maka Khalifah berhak menolak perbuatan Mu’awin dan melaksanakan penapatnya sendiri serta menghapus apa yang telah dilakukan Mu’awin. Mengingat Khalifah berhak untuk mengubah kembali kebijaksanaannya atau pun kebijaksanaan Mu’awinnya.


Article 47: If the assistant conducted an issue, and the Khalifah ordered him to do it, then he must implement it as the Khalifah ordered him to do so, without any addition or deletion. If the Khalifah returned to oppose the assistant rejecting what he has already executed, then the matter is examined; if it was a rule that he had implemented properly, or wealth that he placed in  of its right place, then the opinion of the assistant is implemented, since it is in origin the opinion of the Khalifah, and the Khalifah cannot revoke what he himself had implemented of rules and spent of wealth. If what the assistant had executed was in anything else, such as appointing a governor or preparation of an army, then it is permitted for the Khalifah to oppose the assistant, and the opinion of the Khalifah is implemented, and the actions of the assistant are cancelled because the Khalifah has the right to redress his own action so he may redress the actions of the assistant.

This article is a description of how the assistant carries out his work, and how the Khalifah scrutinises the actions of the assistant, and this is taken from what is permitted for the Khalifah to reverse, and what is not permitted for him to reverse from the actions, since the action of the assistant is considered to be the action of the Khalifah. The explanation for this is that the assistant is permitted to rule independently, as is the Khalifah, since the conditions for ruling are considered in him, and it is permitted for him to look into the Madhalim (injustices) and to appoint others to look into them, since the condition for the Madhalim are considered in him, and he is permitted to undertake the Jihad by himself and to empower those who will undertake it, since the conditions of war are considered in him, and he is permitted to undertake the implementation of the issues personally or to appoint someone else to implement them since the conditions of opinion and management of affairs are considered in him. However, this does not mean that it is not correct for the Khalifah to cancel whatever the assistant carries out as long as the report has been raised to him, rather what it means is that he possesses what the Khalifah does in terms of mandatory powers, but this is on behalf of the Khalifah and not independent of him.

Accordingly, it is permitted for the Khalifah to oppose the assistant by rejecting what he has done and cancelling what has been carried out, but within the limits of what it is permitted for the Khalifah to reverse if he had done it himself.  Therefore, if the assistant had implemented a rule in the correct manner, or gave wealth where it was necessitated, and subsequently the Khalifah came and opposed the assistant in this after its implementation, then there is no value in his opposition; rather the action of the assistant is implemented, and the opinion and opposition of the Khalifah is rejected, since in origin it is his opinion, and in issues similar to these situations it is not correct for him to reverse his own opinion or cancel whatever implementation had been completed. Consequently, it is not correct for him to cancel the action of his assistant in these issues. If the assistant had empowered a governor, an administrator, a commander of the Army, or any other appointment, or had laid down the running of economic issues, military plans, plans for industrialisation, or anything similar, then it is permitted for the Khalifah to cancel it. This is because it is considered to be the opinion of the Khalifah, but is from the issues that are permitted for the Khalifah to reverse if he had undertaken them himself, and so it is permitted to cancel the work of his representative in them. Therefore, in this situation, it is permitted to cancel the actions of the assistant.

The rule in this is: Everything that the Khalifah is able to correct from his own actions, is permitted for him to correct from the actions of his assistant, and everything that the Khalifah is not permitted to correct from his own actions, he is not permitted to correct from the actions of his assistant.