Kategori: Aparat Administrasi ; Baitul Mal ; Departemen Penerangan §96-104

Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Khilafah, berdasarkan metode kenabian: Pasal 99: Untuk setiap departemen diangkat seorang direktur umum. Dan setiap biro dan unit diangkat juga seorang direktur dan kepala yang mengatur dan bertanggung jawab secara langsung terhadap instansinya. Para direktur dan kepala ini bertanggung jawab kepada atasan instansinya masing-masing di pusat. Mereka bertanggung jawab terhadap departemen, biro atau unit yang mereka pimpin –ditinjau dari segi pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya- dan bertanggung jawab pula kepada Wali dan ‘Amil -dilihat dari segi keterikatannya terhadap hukum-hukum dan peraturan umum-.



Article 99 :A general manager has to be appointed for each office; and every department and administration has a manager who is responsible for its management, and is directly responsible for it; and they are accountable in terms of their work to whoever is in charge of the highest post of their offices, departments or administrations; and they are accountable in terms of their adherence to the general rules and systems by the governor and ‘Amil.

In order for the offices, departments, and administration to work they must have managers. Therefore, every office has a general manager who is directly in charge of managing the office affairs, and is responsible over all of the departments and administration that come under it. Each department and administration has an appointed manager who is directly responsible for it, and for all that comes under it in terms of branches and sections.

This is with respect to establishing the administration of offices, or establishing the Diwan, however, with respect to the responsibility of these civil servants, they are employees, and at the same time they are citizens, and so from one angle they are employees, in other words, from the angle of undertaking their work, they are accountable to their department head, or manager. And from the angle that they are citizens, they are accountable to the rulers from the governors and assistants, and in front of the Khalifah, and they are restricted by the Shari’ah rules, and the administrative systems.